How You Can Launch The "Blast Protocol" And Safely Rank Your Product On Page 1 of Amazon In Just 30 Days!

Possibly the easiest & fastest way to double, even triple your daily sales. YES! This will work for you no matter what product category you’re in, whether you’re private label or wholesale, or if you’re an experienced or brand new seller.

How You Can Launch The "Blast Protocol" And Safely Rank Your Product On Page 1 of Amazon In Just 30 Days!

Possibly the easiest & fastest way to double, even triple your daily sales. YES! This will work for you no matter what product category you’re in, whether you’re private label or wholesale, or if you’re an experienced or brand new seller.

What is the 'Blast Protocol'?

It's a new, smarter way to get ranked higher on Amazon.

Choose your highest value any market… in any product category... and you can blast your product from whatever pages it’s currently on, to the first page in as little as 30 days.

And you can do it for a FRACTION of what it would cost from traditional mass ranking platforms you might have heard of or tried in the past.

And it’s all done in the most organic, SAFE way possible.

It's the perfect ranking method 
for you if...

  • you’re an established seller and your sales are declining
  • you’re a brand new seller and you need a boost to catch-up and compete with the established sellers.

What is 
the 'Blast Protocol'?

It’s a new, smarter way to get high quality verified reviews while getting ranked on Amazon.

Choose your highest value any market… in any product category... and you can blast your product from whatever pages it’s currently on, to the first page in as little as 30 days.

And you can do it for a FRACTION of what it would cost from traditional mass ranking platforms you might have heard of or tried in the past.

And it’s all done in the most organic, SAFE way possible… completely aligned with Amazon’s terms of service.

It's The Perfect Ranking Method For You If...

  • you’re an established seller and your sales are declining
  • you’re a brand new seller and you need a boost to catch-up and compete with the established sellers.

Fill your Amazon business
with a surge of new buyers

When you get on page 1 of Amazon

Fill Your Amazon Business With A Surge Of New Buyers

Fact is, 70% of shoppers stick to the first page of Amazon search results.

Once you rank on the first page… your product is now in front of 70% of ALL shoppers on Amazon.

And the only way to get to the first page is by giving Amazon’s ranking algorithm what it wants - more conversions.

How we help you do that is by focusing on the 2 things that impact conversions the most; 

How we help you do that is by focusing on the 2 things that impact conversions the most; 

1) optimizing your product listings

2) increasing your credibility & social proof

This will get you new customer sales like nothing you've seen or tried before.

And it works no matter what niche you're in... what product you sell... or whether you're a new Amazon seller or grizzled veteran.

This will get you new customer sales like nothing you've seen or tried before.

And it works no matter what niche you're in... what product you sell... or whether you're a new Amazon seller or grizzled veteran.

When you have a fully optimized product listing… you increase your organic sales and ranking fast.

Which then signals to Amazon's algorithm...'This listing is more likely to convert prospective buyers’... and it increases your ranking as you get more conversions.

As a result, your product blasts from whatever page it’s on - right to the first page where 70% of all prospective buyers are, maximizing your opportunity to win the sale.

Think of it like a flywheel that builds momentum once it gets going.

The more sales you get...
The higher your product is ranked...

The higher your product is ranked…
The more organic sales and reviews you get…

And the longer your listing will be kept higher up on the first page.

This is how you 2X-3X your daily sales

But, you may want to jump on this now before one of your competitors beats you to the punch and ‘blasts’ their product in your category to the top of Amazon.

3 Simple Steps To 
Launching Your First Blast

3 Simple Steps To 
Launching Your First Blast

First, we audit your listing by analyzing your title, pictures, pricing, and seeing what your conversions look like on the backend. 

Your blast plan will depend on multiple variables but ultimately we’ll tailor our recommendations to a plan that is guaranteed to boost your products exposure and credibility/social proof within 30 days.

Then we set your product blast for your chosen high value keywords and within 72 hours your blast is launched. 

Days 15-30 you'll gain reviews and appear higher in search results as you begin to see extra daily sales.

By Day 30 your product reaches Page 1 on Amazon from the high quality verified reviews coming in. 

Your conversion rate increases significantly and as a result you 2-3X your daily sales - even your Amazon ads will perform much better as a result of our blast! 

We’ll then provide you with a comprehensive report;
  • We’ll report to you all the order ID’s
  • We’ll show your before, during and after rankings for each of your target keywords.
  • We’ll report on any other relevant information you’re looking for.
  • ​And you’ll have continued support throughout our time working together.

Pay A FRACTION Of The Price For BETTER Results

  • On average, our method uses between 50-100 FULL PRICE PURCHASES, so in order to rank you don't need to give away 300-400 or more units, as is usually done on mass ranking platforms.
  • ​And thanks to SAFE HIGH QUALITY VERIFIED PURCHASES (in comparison to traditional giveaways), your ranking stays on top longer further maximizing your exposure to prospective buyers.
The Average Units Giveaway
Number To Reach Top 1st Page With Our Method
Service Cost For Blasted Unit
Of Your Product
Number of Products We’ve Tripled Daily Sales & Profit For

The Results From Our Clients Speak For Themselves After Using Our ‘Blast Protocol’.

From $0/mo to $43,000/mo


"Started out struggling with my first product. Was confused, did some traditional ranking, some FB ads - nothing seemed to work. Then I was recommended to Blast Protocol. Now, I've scaled up to 7 products and 3 a person team, launching into new categories next month. Best decision ever."

From $9,500/mo to $36,000/mo


"I don't recommend Blast Protocol because if I do, my competitors might just get better and make my life harder :) But seriously, if you take all the fluff away and just want to make more money - you simply need reviews, so you convert better and rank higher in order to sell more units organically. This is exactly what we've been using Blast Protocol for."

From $77,000/mo to $104,000/mo


"We've already been an established brand but simply had products that no matter what we did, they didn't seem to work. Then we got introduced to Blast Protocol. They've been handing ALL our launches, reviews and rankings since. They might just be our most powerful asset."

The Results From Our Clients Speak For Themselves After Using Our ‘Blast Protocol’.

From $0/mo to $43,000/mo


"Started out struggling with my first product. Was confused, did some traditional ranking, some FB ads - nothing seemed to work. Then I was recommended to Alpha Raven. Now, I've scaled up to 7 products and 3 a person team, launching into new categories next month. Best decision ever."

From $9,500/mo to $36,000/mo


"I don't recommend Alpha Raven because if I do, my competitors might just get better and make my life harder :) But seriously, if you take all the fluff away and just want to make more money - you simply need reviews, so you convert better and rank higher in order to sell more units organically. This is exactly what we've been using Alpha Raven for."

From $77,000/mo to $104,000/mo


"We've already been an established brand but simply had products that no matter what we did, they didn't seem to work. Then we got introduced to Alpha Raven. They've been handing ALL our launches, reviews and rankings since. They might just be our most powerful asset."

3 Simple Steps To 
Launching Your First Blast

Meet Our Team of Funnel Builders

A crack team of funnel-obsessed, results-driven nerds

We Have Clients In The Most Competitive Categories, Go From Very Low Page Ranking To The 1st Page After Using The 'Blast Protocol'...

Over 600+ Clients Helped In Almost Every Category

*Please note that below ranking results are screenshots from Helium 10 keyword tracking tool, where we track results for our clients.

So, Here's What To Do Now:

So, Here's What To Do Now:

If you want to get a flood of new sales coming through your store in as little as 30 days...

Fill Out A quick application and we will Connect you with a member of our team

On the next page, just answer a few simple questions about your Amazon business and we'll provide you with a quote and discuss next steps.

Remember, every day... every week... every month that goes by where YOUR product is not on the first page... those sales are going to your competitor. So take action now and dominate those high value keywords and 2 or 3X your daily sales.

Plus, you're backed by our No-Nonsense...

100% Money Back Guarantee

Here's the deal: We're confident that we're the best solution on the market. And to prove that, we have a 7 day, no questions asked money-back guarantee. You either get the results promised in your Blast Launch Plan, or you can send one email and get your money back* 

*see below for full details

Plus, you're backed by our No-Nonsense...

100% Money Back Guarantee

Here's the deal: We're confident that we're the best solution on the market. 

To prove that, you either get the results promised in your Blast Launch Plan, or you can send one email and get all your money back (besides the product purchases that have been already made).

It's as simple and straight-forward as that.

You got questions? 
We have answers.

Below are answers to our most frequently asked questions


 Contact us: